Are Voluntary Benefits the New Salary Incentive? 

  In the modern workforce, a significant shift has occurred in employee priorities. While a higher salary was once the main attraction, today’s workers seek well-rounded benefits for a more fulfilling work experience. According to Forbes in 2023, 40% of employers say workers leave their job to find a role that offers better employee benefits. Also, one in 10 workers would take a pay cut to have access to better benefits.   The workforce is evolving, with millennials and Gen Z leading a shift towards prioritizing holistic benefits over just salary figures. Factors like health and wellness, flexible work arrangements, pet benefits, professional development, and positive company culture are now key considerations for job seekers…   The benefits employees are most considering sacrificing a higher salary for include…  Companies embracing this shift gain a competitive edge in the workforce and the healthcare world! Beyond a competitive salary, offering a well-rounded benefits package signals a commitment to employee well-being, fostering a positive workplace culture and enhancing the employer brand.   The workforce now seeks more than just monetary rewards. Companies investing in the current benefit needs attract top talent and cultivate a loyal and dedicated workforce. Prioritizing employee well-being is the key to…

Revolutionize Your Benefits Strategy!

We are officially one month into a new year and a new opportunity for companies to rethink and revamp their benefits strategy! All things are fair game, from marketing your open enrollment to ensuring all employees are educated on their benefits; your strategy can only be successful with a proper plan and understanding of the ever-changing benefits world!

Virtual Care: No Longer a Luxury

In the age of remote work, virtual care is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity for brokers seeking to gain and retain clients this open enrollment season. Offering on-demand healthcare services, accessible from anywhere in the world, is the key to staying competitive and relevant in this new digital age.

2023 Health Benefits To Take Into 2024!

A recent study from RethinkFirst Reveals Nearly 74% of Parents Missed Work Last Year to Address Their Child’s Mental Health or Academic Performance ( This alarming trend highlights the importance of offering telehealth services, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), and mental health solutions in the workplace to improve parents’ attendance, attention, and overall well-being. 

Tackling Parents’ Work Absences: The Need for Telehealth and Mental Health Support  

A recent study from RethinkFirst Reveals Nearly 74% of Parents Missed Work Last Year to Address Their Child’s Mental Health or Academic Performance ( This alarming trend highlights the importance of offering telehealth services, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), and mental health solutions in the workplace to improve parents’ attendance, attention, and overall well-being. 

Keep the Momentum Going: 6 Strategies to Secure New Clients Post Open Enrollment 

Open enrollment season can be a whirlwind of activity, but your work doesn’t end when the enrollment period closes. To thrive in this competitive industry, it’s essential to keep the momentum going and find ways to retain new clients even after open enrollment season. Here are six key strategies to help you!

Your Job Saves Lives: Join The Fight Today.

On September 10th, World Suicide Prevention Day sheds light on the urgency of mental health support. Brokers, as key advisors, can profoundly impact well-being by integrating mental health assistance into benefits packages. With suicide being the 11th biggest contributor to deaths each year it is vital to give your clients the opportunity to offer life-saving preventative care to their employees. Here are some ways to encourage your clients to do so.

Are You Talking to Your Clients About LTC Mandates?

As we anticipate the Long-Term Care Act (LTC) making its way across the US, addressing this need is a pressing goal for brokers and their clients. The new requirements set forth by the LTC Act create a higher demand for reliable LTC solutions. Brokers who can offer compliant and efficient LTC planning services will not only meet the growing needs of their clients, but also position themselves as invaluable partners in their clients’ health benefits journey.

Unlocking the Benefits of Employee Assistance Programs 

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of prioritizing employee well-being. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have emerged as valuable resources that provide employees with access to various support services, promoting their mental, emotional, and physical health. However, these programs are often underutilized due to a lack of awareness or misunderstanding. Here are three ways to increase utilization of an EAP. 

How Lack of Mental Health Support Can Cost Your Company. 

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and it impacts employees’ productivity and overall health. Unfortunately, many employees hesitate to seek help due to fears of discrimination or job loss. As a result, mental health challenges may go untreated and impede performance, ultimately costing companies money. However, companies can take action to support their employees’ mental health, and it starts with simply reminding employees of the benefits they provide. 

AllyHealth: Now in the PlanSource Partner Marketplace!

We are thrilled to announce AllyHealth is now a part of the PlanSource Partner Marketplace! As one of the leading employee benefits platforms, PlanSource connects more than 4.5 million consumers with over 36,000 employers. With our inclusion on the PlanSource MarketPlace, we are expanding our reach and providing even more people with access to high-quality telemedicine and wellness solutions.

5 Ways to Mitigate the Rise in Healthcare Costs

We have already seen a massive spike in healthcare costs, and there needs to be evident relief on the horizon. HR advisory firm Segal has recently projected that the annual cost trend for outpatient prescription drugs is expected to approach double-digit levels, the highest rate since 2015. That leaves employers with the difficult task of keeping their coverage expenses manageable without further straining employees’ financial well-being. 

Congress Votes to Extend Virtual Care Safe Harbor Through 2024

On December 2022, the CARES act was approved as the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), extending Telemedicine benefits through year end 2024.

How Health Insurance for Small Businesses Supplies Tax Benefits

According to SHMR, 56% of US adults with health insurance provided by their employees said that health coverage is a deciding factor, and 46% said that health benefits were critical in choosing their current job. So, while it is crucial to offer benefits, it is a win-win for your small business and your employees despite the increased expenses.  Here are three ways offering health insurance results in your business eligibility for tax benefits  For more resources, visit to determine if your business can catch a break.  (Employees Are More Likely to Stay If They Like Their Health Plan ( 

The Importance of Culture in the Workplace

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, mental health in the workplace has been a priority for both employers and employees alike. The evolution of culture since then has changed drastically.

3 Signs You May Need Assistance During This Year’s Open Enrollment

Learn the steps you can take to improve the workplace benefits experience for your employees!

How to Build Empathy Into the Next Open Enrollment 

Since the onset of COVID-19, open enrollment has become increasingly personal.

Employee’s Needs Are Changing. Are You Responding?

The demand for non-medical (voluntary) benefits is expected to increase within the next five years as people have moved to working remotely and the workplace adapts to changes and improvements in technology.

PES | Year in Review

2021 was an incredible year of growth and development. Not only for PES, but for our partners and clients. We have spent the last 12 months expanding our team, implementing new technology…

Billing Reconciliation

Billing reconciliation is often a stress point for many brokers and employers. Most reconciliation is done manually, creating a time consuming, error prone, and unnecessary effort in what easily can be a smooth process.

PES Prescription Discount Program

The PES Prescription Rx Discount Program offers up to 70% off of prescription medications at thousands of pharmacies across the US. With our prescription discount card, you are able to save money, improve your health, and cost-effectively meet your medical needs.  

Benefits Administration Technology

The PES Data & Technology team is the foundation beneath every successful enrollment. Behind the scenes, our team works hard to gather vital data and build out our technology solutions to best fit the unique needs of each client.

Employee Advocacy and Support

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed help understanding your health insurance, but you didn’t know where to turn or who to contact for help?

PROACTIVE vs REACTIVE benefit decisions.

According to a study by Liazon… only 52% (of employees) really understand their benefits…

Do Employees Really Understand Their Benefits Options?

According to a study by Policygenius Inc., nearly 30% of employees say that they avoid going to doctors for treatment because they do not understand their insurance benefits.

Why Effective Communication is Key for Open Enrollment

Now more than ever, effective communication plays a key role in the success of the open enrollment process. With many employees still working remotely, company leadership may find it increasingly difficult to keep their staff engaged and focused during enrollment.

How to Prepare For Your Next Open Enrollment

With Q4 and January 2021 Open Enrollments in full swing, many companies are scrambling to put together a plan to ensure that all their employees successfully enroll in a benefits plan.

3 Advantages of Partnering with a Benefits Education and Enrollment Firm

Enrollment season is upon us, and many companies are in an all-out rush to ensure that they are prepared.

PES Benefits Announces Partnership with PlanSource

PlanSource announced today that it has been selected by PES Benefits to be their technology provider for their up market clients.

Using Benefits to Attract and Retain Top Talent

Whether your company is at its beginning stages, or an established business, the goal is, and will always be, growth.